試験科目:「Portal Developer」
問題と解答:全145問 LRP-614 全真模擬試験
LiferayのLRP-614試験はIT領域で人気がある重要な試験です。我々はIT領域の人々にショートカットを提供するために、最高のスタディガイドと最高のオンラインサービスを用意して差し上げます。Pass4Testの LiferayのLRP-614試験問題集は全ての試験の内容と答案に含まれています。Pass4Testの模擬テストを利用したら、これはあなたがずっと全力を尽くてもらいたいもののことが分かって、しかもそれは正に試験の準備をすることを意識します。
NO.1 The recommended way to add support for a new locale is to:
A. Create an Ext plugin that adds a language properties file for the desired locale
B. Create an Ext plugin that adds a language properties file for the desired locale and implements a
servlet filter mapping using IlSnFilter
C. Create a hook plugin that adds a language properties file for the desired locale and implements a
servlet filter hook to invoke IlSnFilter through PortalClassLoaderFilter
D. Create a portlet plugin that overrides the core language filter to recognize the desired locale
Answer: C
Liferay LRP-614ガイド LRP-614認定試験 LRP-614番号
NO.2 Service Builder does not generate:
A. SQL statements to create tables
B. Hibernate and Spring configuration files
C. Axis web services
D. The view layer
Answer: D
Liferay試験 LRP-614問題集 LRP-614赤本 LRP-614練習 LRP-614種類 LRP-614練習
NO.3 The descriptor liferay-portlet.xml:
A. Defines Liferay-specific portlet features
B. Defines the categories of the Add Application menu
C. Identifies portlets that only run onLiferay
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Liferay LRP-614勉強法 LRP-614講座 LRP-614費用 LRP-614
NO.4 The best way to add a new language key to the portal is through:
A. The Control Panel
B. A hook plugin
C. An Ext plugin
D. Modifying Liferay's source
Answer: B
Liferayクラムメディア LRP-614認証試験 LRP-614認定証
NO.5 The recommended way to add new functionality in Liferay is to:
A. Create Ext plugins
B. Createportlet, theme, layout template or hook plugins
C. Modify Liferay's source code directly
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Liferay学習 LRP-614問題 LRP-614教育 LRP-614対策
NO.6 When adding new users to Liferay, the form will display the Details, Organizations and
Personal Site sections based on the following property in portal.properties:
users.form.add.main =detaiIs,organizations,personal-site The "users.form.add.main" property is
listed in the liferay-hook_6_l_0.dtd as a portal property that can be overridden with a hook.
Deploying a hook with the following property in the portal.properties file will remove the Personal
Site section: users.form.add.main =details,organizations
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Liferay費用 LRP-614 LRP-614取得 LRP-614 LRP-614合格点
NO.7 Liferay's core JavaScript framework is:
A. jQuery
B. Dojo
C. MooTools
D. AlloyUI
Answer: D
Liferay日記 LRP-614 LRP-614認定 LRP-614
NO.8 An administrator would like to add a new travel preferences section in the Miscellaneous
section of the user form.
The travel preferences are stored as custom fields.
The recommended way to implement the solution using a hook plugin is to:(Please select all correct
A. Modify html/portlet/users_admin/edit_user.jsp to add the travel preferences section to
theMiscellaneous section
B. Set the portal property "users.form. my.account, miscellaneous"to "travel-preferences" and add
the corresponding JSP
C. Create a Struts action hook to persist the Expando value to the database
D. Add the custom fields to the relevant JSP using <liferay-ui;custom-attribute>
Answer: B,D
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