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試験科目:「Certified Internal Auditor - Part 4, Business Management Skills」
問題と解答:全535問 IIA-CIA-Part4 復習問題集



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NO.1 Which of the following is not one of the advantages of self-managed teams?
A. Motivation is improved because decision making is decentralized.
B. Improved processes of production if the teams are supported properly.
C. Managerial acceptance by tradition-oriented managers.
D. Improved communication because all members understand the team's activities better.
Answer: C

IIA過去問   IIA-CIA-Part4認定資格   IIA-CIA-Part4関節   IIA-CIA-Part4学校
Managerial resistance is often the primary obstacle of self-managed teams. Organizational change is
difficult and tradition-oriented managers tend to regard self-managed teams as a threat to their

NO.2 The competitive factor that may lead to industry overcapacity is
A. A favorable interest rate charged by suppliers of capital.
B. A short lead time for capacity expansion.
C. The existence of first mover advantages.
D. Integration of competitors.
Answer: C

IIA vue   IIA-CIA-Part4受験記   IIA-CIA-Part4学習   IIA-CIA-Part4教材
First mover advantages may be significant. Thus, short lead times for ordering equipment, lower
costs, and the ability to exploit an excess of demand over supply may encourage too many firms to

NO.3 For a multinational firm, which of the following is a disadvantage of an ethnocentric staffing
policy in which all key management positions are filled by parent-company nationals?
A. An ethnocentric staffing policy significantly raises compensation, training, and staffing costs.
B. An ethnocentric staffing policy produces resentment among the firm's employees in host
C. An ethnocentric staffing policy limits career mobility for parent-country nationals.
D. An ethnocentric staffing policy isolates headquarters from foreign subsidiaries.
Answer: B

IIA   IIA-CIA-Part4 vue   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4教材   IIA-CIA-Part4方法
An ethnocentric staffing policy has the advantage that expatriates may understand the objectives,
policies, and procedures of the parent firm better than local employees do.
However, ethnocentrism in hiring has the following disadvantages, among others:
(1) Expatriate managers have difficulty in adapting to a new culture, language, and physical
(2)training and relocation costs may be high;
(3)host-country governments prefer local control;
(4)the morale and performance of host-country employees will suffer.

NO.4 Some studies show that managers spend 60 to 70% of their time communicating and that
nearly 60% of that time is spent listening. Listening effectiveness is best increased by:
A. Resisting both internal and external distractions.
B. Waiting to review key concepts until the speaker is through talking.
C. Tuning out messages that do not seem to fit the meeting purpose.
D. Factoring in biases to evaluate the information being given.
Answer: A

IIA認定   IIA-CIA-Part4資格   IIA-CIA-Part4参考書   IIA-CIA-Part4フリーク   IIA-CIA-Part4内容   IIA-CIA-Part4認定試験
Concentrating on what the speaker is saying is critical to effective listening. This result is best
achieved by resisting internal and external distractions. Physical distractions such as noise, a
tendency to be overly aware of the speaker's physical and other differences from the listener,
focusing on interesting details at the expense of major points, or emotional reactions to a statement
with which the listener disagrees should be avoided.

NO.5 Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed a situational leadership model with two
dimensions:task and relationship behaviors. In this model, the delegating leadership style is
appropriate when followers have:
A. Low maturity.
B. Low to moderate maturity.
C. Moderate to high maturity.
D. High maturity.
Answer: D

IIA学校   IIA-CIA-Part4費用   IIA-CIA-Part4通信   IIA-CIA-Part4虎の巻
The dimensions of the delegating leadership style are low task and low relationship. Consequently,
task- and relationship-related behaviors are low. The leader provides little direction or support
because the maturity of followers is high. They are willing and able to do what is necessary.

NO.6 Strategic management includes developing the organization's grand strategy. This strategy is
based on:
A. Existing strategic business units (SBUs).
B. A SWOT analysis.
C. Portfolio management of the organization's businesses.
D. Strategic planning.
Answer: B

IIA認定   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4学習
Strategic management is a process that includes development of a grand strategy that describes
how the organization's mission is to be achieved. This strategy is based on a situational analysis that
considers organizational strengths and weaknesses (a capability profile) and their interactions with
environmental opportunities and threats. Such an evaluation is also called a SWOT analysis.
Strengths and weaknesses (the internal environment) are usually identified by considering the firm's
capabilities and resources. What the firm does particularly well or has in greater abundance are
known as core competencies. Opportunities and threats (the external environment) are identified
by considering macroenvironment factors (economic, demographic, political, legal, social, cultural,
and technical) and microenvironment factors (suppliers, customers, distributors, competitors, and
other competitive factors in the industry).

NO.7 Rivalry among existing firms in an industry is more likely to be strong when:
A. The industry is in the rapid growth stage.
B. Investment intensity is low.
C. A few firms are dominant.
D. Capacity must be expanded in large increments.
Answer: D

IIA   IIA-CIA-Part4費用   IIA-CIA-Part4問題集   IIA-CIA-Part4学習   IIA-CIA-Part4
The intensity of rivalry and the threat of entry may vary with the extent of capacity expansion
dictated by the need to achieve economics of scale. If it must be made in large increments to
achieve economics of scale, competition will be more intense. The need for large-scale expansion to
achieve production efficiency may result in an excess of industry capacity over demand. However, if
capacity may be expanded in small increments, industry capacity is less likely to be excessive, the
supply-demand balance is less likely to be upset, and price cutting is less likely to be necessary.

NO.8 Which of the following is least likely to be an example of synergy?
A. A shopping mall with several businesses providing different products and performing different
B. A car dealership providing warranties on automobile parts to maximize customer value.
C. A manufacturing company hiring a new manager with technological experience lacking in the
D. Military Humvees being converted into sports utility vehicles for sale to civilians.
Answer: B

IIA問題集   IIA-CIA-Part4テスト   IIA-CIA-Part4
Synergy occurs when the combination of formerly separate elements has a greater effect than the
sum of their individual effects.
However, a car dealership's provision of warranties reflects anoperational strategy designed to
provide post-purchase services to gain a competitive advantage and maximize customer value. It
does not reflect the complementary sharing of resources, technology, or competencies. In contrast,
synergy arises from selling a line of carsthat share some components or abrand identification.

