
最新SUN 212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810試験の練習問題と解答

Pass4Testが提供した研修ツールはSUNの212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810の認定試験に向けて学習資料やシミュレーション訓練宿題で、重要なのは試験に近い練習問題と解答を提供いたします。Pass4Test を選ばれば短時間にITの知識を身につけることができて、高い点数をとられます。

Pass4TestのSUN212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810試験トレーニング資料はあなたがリスクフリー購入することを保証します。購入する前に、あなたはPass4Testが提供した無料な一部の問題と解答をダウンロードして使ってみることができます。Pass4Testの問題集の高品質とウェブのインタ—フェ—スが優しいことを見せます。それに、我々は一年間の無料更新サービスを提供します。失敗しましたら、当社は全額で返金して、あなたの利益を保障します。Pass4Testが提供した資料は実用性が高くて、絶対あなたに向いています。

Pass4Testは実際の環境で本格的なSUNの212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810の試験の準備過程を提供しています。もしあなたは初心者若しくは専門的な技能を高めたかったら、Pass4TestのSUNの212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810の試験問題があなたが一歩一歩自分の念願に近くために助けを差し上げます。試験問題と解答に関する質問があるなら、当社は直後に解決方法を差し上げます。しかも、一年間の無料更新サービスを提供します。

Pass4Tesを通じて最新のSUNの212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810試験の問題と解答早めにを持てて、弊社の問題集があればきっと君の強い力になります。

成功の楽園にどうやって行きますか。ショートカットは一つしかないです。それはPass4TestのSUNの212-065 310-231 310-083 310-811 310-810試験トレーニング資料を利用することです。これは全てのIT認証試験を受ける受験生のアドバイスです。Pass4Testのトレーニング資料を手に入れたら、あなたは成功への鍵を握るようになります。

試験科目:SUN 「Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, SE 6.0」

試験科目:SUN 「Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5」

試験科目:SUN 「Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE 5」

試験科目:SUN 「Sun Certified MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator Part II」

試験科目:SUN 「Sun Certified MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator Part 1」


NO.1 When making connections to a MySQL server on a Unix platform, which of the following is true?
A. TCP/IP connections are faster than socket file connections.
B. Socket file connections are faster than TCP/IP connections.
C. TCP/IP and Socket file connections are equally as fast.
Answer: B

SUN   310-810   310-810

NO.2 Where is the data stored for a table that is defined as using the FEDERATED Storage Engine?
A. The data will always be stored on the local host.
B. The data will always be stored on a remote host.
C. The data can be stored on any host depending on the definition of the table.
D. The data will always be stored on disk.
E. The data will always be stored in memory.
F. The data will be stored according to the storage engine of the referenced table.
Answer: CD

SUN   310-810参考書   310-810認定資格   310-810   310-810   310-810

NO.3 Which of the following is true of a MySQL client and server?
A. They must be run on the same type of Operating System.
B. They must be run on the same hardware architecture.
C. They do not have to be run on the same type of Operating System.
D. They do not have to be run on the same hardware architecture.
Answer: CD

SUN過去問   310-810認定資格   310-810認定資格   310-810   310-810認定試験

NO.4 Which of the following is true for the command-line programs mysqlcheck and myisamchk?
A. mysqlcheck must run on the server to perform checks and repairs and myisamchk can perform checks
and repairs on a remote server.
B. mysqlcheck can perform checks and repairs on a remote server, and myisamchk must run on the
C. Both mysqlcheck and myisamchk can perform checks and repairs on a remote server.
D. Neither mysqlcheck or myisamchk can perform checks and repairs on a remote server.
Answer: B

SUN練習問題   310-810過去問   310-810   310-810   310-810認定資格   310-810

NO.5 Which mysqld command line option disables incoming TCP/IP connections?
A. --shared-memory
B. --memlock
C. --no-networking
D. --skip-networking
Answer: D

SUN認定試験   310-810   310-810認定試験

NO.6 Which of the following are requirements for InnoDB binary portability?
A. Both machines must use the same operating system.
B. Database and table names must use lowercase format.
C. Both machines must use two's-complement integer arithmetic.
D. Both machines must use IEEE floating-point format or contain no floating-point columns.
Answer: BCD

SUN練習問題   310-810   310-810参考書   310-810問題集   310-810練習問題

NO.7 Of the following mechanisms available to connect a MySQL client to a MySQL database server, which
types of connections are only available on Windows based systems?
B. Sockets
C. Shared Memory
D. Named Pipes
Answer: CD

SUN   310-810   310-810   310-810認定試験

NO.8 Which one of the following statements can be used to start MySQL 5.0 manually from the command
line on windows?
A. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqladmin -u root start
B. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld
C. C:\> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql_start
Answer: B

SUN参考書   310-810   310-810   310-810   310-810

NO.9 Which of the following statements are true for locks established by the InnoDB storage engine?
A. It sometimes escalates locks to page level.
B. It sometimes escalates locks to table level.
C. It sometimes escalates locks to page or table level.
D. It never escalates locks to page or table level.
Answer: D

SUN練習問題   310-810問題集   310-810   310-810   310-810認定証

NO.10 Which of the following APIs/connectors are included in a MySQL distribution?
A. Connector/J
B. Connector/ODBC
D. Connector/NET
E. Connector/MJX
Answer: C

SUN   310-810   310-810   310-810認定試験

NO.11 Which of the following best describes how MySQL utilizes the grant table buffers?
A. The grant table buffer loads grant table information into memory for fast access.
B. The grant table buffer loads what users are currently logged in and performing queries.
C. The grant table buffer holds requests waiting to check the grant table to perform access-control.
Answer: A

SUN練習問題   310-810認証試験   310-810問題集

NO.12 In a standard MySQL installation which of following files are stored below the data directory?
A. Format files for all the tables
B. Data and index files for MyISAM tables
C. InnoDB tablespace files
D. General server logs
E. MySQL upgrade script files
Answer: ABCD

SUN   310-810   310-810

NO.13 MySQL is a multi-threaded database server. Every connection to the database server is handled by it's
own thread.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

SUN   310-810過去問   310-810問題集

NO.14 Which of the following statements correctly describes the way to enable and use shared memory
connections to the MySQL database server?
A. Shared memory connections are available by default on all platforms, but must have TCP/IP
disabled by using the --skip-networking option.
B. Shared memory connections are supported on all windows binaries, and is enabled by default.
C. Shared memory connections are supported on all windows binaries, and must be enabled by using the
--shared-memory command line option.
D. Shared memory is not a supported communication method for the MySQL database server.
Answer: C

SUN   310-810   310-810練習問題   310-810

NO.15 Which of the following best describes the processing model for how the MySQL server handles
A. The server uses a one-tier processing model in which each storage engine optimizes and processes
each query issued against it.
B. The server uses a two-tier processing model: a SQL/optimizer tier and a storage engine tier.
C. The server uses a three-tier processing model: a SQL/optimizer tier, a formatting tier and a storage
engine tier.
Answer: B

SUN   310-810認証試験   310-810過去問   310-810認定試験   310-810   310-810

NO.16 Another user has issued LOCK TABLES pets READ You can...
A. Update table pets
B. SELECT from table pets
C. UPDATE and SELECT from table pets
D. None of the above
Answer: B

SUN参考書   310-810   310-810

NO.17 mysqldump can be instructed to dump...
A. Only table structures
B. Only data
C. Both table structures and data
Answer: C

SUN認証試験   310-810   310-810認定試験   310-810問題集

NO.18 Which of the following statements are true regarding the data directory on a Windows binary
A. A script needs to be run to initialize it after installation.
B. It comes pre-initialized.
C. You can choose to pre-initialize it or initialize it manually during the installation.
Answer: B

SUN   310-810   310-810   310-810

NO.19 Which of the following is true for how the InnoDB storage engine uses diskspace?
A. It stores its data, index and undo information all in its own tablespace.
B. It stores its data in .MYD files, in the respective database directory, and its index and undo information
in its own tablespace.
C. It stores its data and index in .MYD and .MYI files, in the respective database directory, and undo
information in its own tablespace.
D. It stores its data, index and undo information in .MYD and .MYI files, in the respective database
Answer: A

SUN   310-810   310-810   310-810   310-810   310-810

NO.20 Which of the following package types are provided specifically for UNIX-style OS installations?
A. Essentials
C. Source
D. tar-packaged binary
Answer: BD

SUN   310-810問題集   310-810問題集   310-810認定証   310-810認定試験

SCOの090-056 090-055認定試験の最新な問題集

Pass4Testが提供したSCOの090-056 090-055トレーニング資料はもうあなたの目の前に来ましたから、選択すべき時間になりました。もちろんあなたも他の製品を選べますが、Pass4Testがあなたに無限大な恩恵をもたらせることを知るべきです。100パーセントの成功率を保証できるのはPass4Testしかないです。Pass4Testがあなたに美しい未来を差し上げ、将来あなたはPass4Test領域でより広い道が行くことができ、情報技術の領域で効率的に仕事することもできます。

成功の楽園にどうやって行きますか。ショートカットは一つしかないです。それはPass4TestのSCO090-056 090-055試験トレーニング資料を利用することです。これは全てのIT認証試験を受ける受験生のアドバイスです。Pass4Testのトレーニング資料を手に入れたら、あなたは成功への鍵を握るようになります。

Pass4Testは SCOの090-056 090-055認定試験の認証に対して特別な教育ツールで、あなたに多くの時間とお金が使わないようにIT技術にも身につけさせるサイトでございます。Pass4Testは専門家チームが自分の知識と経験をを利用してSCOの090-056 090-055認証試験の問題集を研究したものでございます。

Pass4Testは初めて試験を受けるあなたが一回で試験に合格して、認証資格を取ることを保証します。Pass4Testが提供して差し上げたのは高品質のSCOの090-056 090-055模擬問題集で、あなたがステップバイステップで試験に準備する手順を指導しています。Pass4TestのSCOの090-056 090-055試験問題集は絶対あなたに成功をもたらすことを保証します。Pass4TestのSCOの090-056 090-055認定試験に準備するために色々な方法がありますが、



我々は全て平凡かつ普通な人で、時には勉強したものをこなしきれないですから、忘れがちになります。 Pass4TestのSCOの090-056 090-055試験トレーニング資料を見つけたら、これはあなたが購入しなければならないものを知ります。Pass4Testはあなたが楽に試験に合格することを助けます。Pass4Testを信頼してください。どんなに難しい試験でも、Pass4Testがいるのなら、大丈夫になります。


NO.1 Which statement DOES NOT describe an attribute of a valid shell variable name (identifier)?
A. It may contain both upper and lower case letters.
B. It may contain a maximum of 8 characters.
C. It may contain numbers and underscore characters.
D. It may begin with a letter.
Answer: B

SCO問題集   090-056認定資格   090-056認定証   090-056

NO.2 What is the purpose of the following Bourne shell statement?
A. Incoming mail from other users will now be written to the file /usr/peter/mymailbox.
B. Outgoing mail will be recorded in the file /usr/peter/mymailbox.
C. The shell will check the file /usr/peter/mymailbox at specified intervals and alert the user when
new mail is written to the file.
D. Upon invocation, the mail command will set options that are specified in the file
Answer: C

SCO   090-056認定証   090-056   090-056認定試験   090-056認定資格

NO.3 Given the following script named sample:
# Sample script
echo $0
What is the output when it is invoked with the command line:
sample red green blue
A. red
B. red green blue
C. sample
D. sample red green blue
Answer: C

SCO   090-056認定試験   090-056   090-056認定試験

NO.4 Which statement accurately describes a shell script?
A. Shell scripts are compiled prior to execution.
B. Shell scripts are files that contain Bourne shell commands and uncompiled C language
C. Shell scripts are text files which contain binary code.
D. Shell scripts are interpreted at the time of execution.
Answer: D

SCO認定資格   090-056   090-056練習問題   090-056   090-056   090-056

NO.5 What is the output of the following code:
set memo letter report note
shift 2
echo The parameter is $3
A. The parameter is letter
B. The parameter is report
C. The parameter is note
D. The parameter is
Answer: D

SCO過去問   090-056参考書   090-056認定証   090-056   090-056

NO.6 The difference between the execution of a while loop and an until loop is that:
A. an until loop is guaranteed to execute at least once, whereas a while loop is not
B. an until loop executes in a subshell, whereas a while loop does not
C. an until loop executes as long as its condition clause exits with a failure code, whereas a while
loop executes as long as its condition succeeds
D. the condition of an until loop is evaluated at the bottom of the loop, whereas it is evaluated at
the top for a while loop
Answer: C

SCO   090-056練習問題   090-056認定試験

NO.7 Given that the current directory is NOT specified as part of your command search path, how can you execute mycommand if it exists in your current directory?
A. Enter ./mycommand
B. Enter .mycommand
C. Because the shell will look in the current directory for commands regardless of the PATH setting, enter mycommand
D. You cannot execute it until you reset the PATH variable to include the current directory.
Answer: A

SCO認証試験   090-056   090-056   090-056認証試験

NO.8 Given the following eight files in the current directory:
DOC doc doc1 doc11
doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3
What is the output of the command line:
echo doc[12]
A. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3
B. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc2
C. doc1 doc2
D. doc[12]
Answer: C

SCO   090-056   090-056   090-056   090-056認定試験

NO.9 Which statement is LEAST likely to overwrite an existing file?
A. who > /tmp/tempfile
B. who > /tmp/tempfile$#
C. who > /tmp/tempfile$$
D. who > /tmp/tempfile$?
Answer: C

SCO   090-056   090-056問題集

NO.10 What is displayed at the end of the following code fragment?
while [ $COUNT -gt 0 -a $COUNT -lt 5 ]
COUNT=expr $COUNT + 1
who | lp
sleep 300
D. The echo statement is not executed because of an infinite while loop.
Answer: B

SCO過去問   090-056   090-056認定証   090-056練習問題   090-056


Pass4Testは認定で優秀なIT資料のウエブサイトで、ここでSASInstitute A00-202認定試験の先輩の経験と暦年の試験の材料を見つけることができるとともに部分の最新の試験の題目と詳しい回答を無料にダウンロードこともできますよ。弊社のIT技術専門家たち は質が高い問題集と答えを提供し、お客様が合格できるように努めています。

Pass4TestにIT業界のエリートのグループがあって、彼達は自分の経験と専門知識を使ってSASInstitute A00-202認証試験に参加する方に対して問題集を研究続けています。君が後悔しないようにもっと少ないお金を使って大きな良い成果を取得するためにPass4Testを選択してください。Pass4Testはまた一年間に無料なサービスを更新いたします。

試験科目:SASInstitute 「SAS advanced programming exam」




NO.1 Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO: ONE TWO NUM COUNTRY NUM CITY
______________ ______________
The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql; select country from one where not exists
(select * from two where one.num = two.num); quit; Which one of the following reports is generated?
Answer: C

SASInstitute認定試験   A00-202   A00-202

NO.2 Which of the following statement(s) in the DATASETS procedure alters the name of a SAS data set
stored in a SAS data library?
A. RENAME statement only
B. CHANGE statement only
C. MODIFY and RENAME statements
D. MODIFY and CHANGE statements
Answer: B

SASInstitute認証試験   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202過去問

NO.3 Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO: ONE TWO YEAR QTR BUDGET YEAR QTR
2001 3 500 2001 4 300 2001 4 400 2002 1 600 2002 1 700
The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql; select one.*, sales from one, two; quit; Which one of
the following reports is generated?
2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 . 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 300 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 300 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 300 2001 3 500 600 2001 4 400 600 2002 1 700 600
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202練習問題

NO.4 Given the following SAS data set ONE: ONE REP COST
The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql; select rep, avg(cost) as AVERAGE from one group by
rep having avg(cost) > (select avg(cost) from one); quit; Which one of the following reports is generated?
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202認定試験   A00-202   A00-202

NO.5 Which one of the following programs contains a syntax error?
A. proc sql; select product.*, cost.unitcost, sales.quantity
from product p, cost c, sales s where p.item = c.item and p.item = s.item; quit;
B. proc sql; select product.*, cost.unitcost, sales.quantity from product, cost, sales where product.item =
cost.item and product.item = sales.item; quit;
C. proc sql; select p.*, c.unitcost, s.quantity from product as p, cost as c, sales as s where p.item = c.item
and p.item = s.item; quit;
D. proc sql; select p.*, c.unitcost, s.quantity from product, cost, sales where product.item = cost.item and
product.item = sales.item; quit;
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202参考書   A00-202

NO.6 The following SAS code is submitted: %macro houses(dsn = houses,sub = RANCH); data &dsn; set
sasuser.houses; if style = "&sub"; run; %mend; %houses(sub = SPLIT)
%houses(dsn = ranch) %houses(sub = TWOSTORY) Which one of the following is the value of the
automatic macro variable SYSLAST?
A. work.ranch
B. work.houses
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202参考書

NO.7 The following SAS program is submitted: %let value = 9; %let value2 = 5; %let newval = %eval(&value
/ &value2); Which one of the following is the resulting value of the macro variable NEWVAL?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 1.8
D. null

SASInstitute認定試験   A00-202認定試験   A00-202過去問   A00-202   A00-202

NO.8 Given the following SAS data set ONE: ONE NUM VAR
1. 2 B 3C Which one of the following SQL programs deletes the SAS data set ONE?
A. proc sql; delete table one; quit;
B. proc sql; alter table one drop num, var; quit;
C. proc sql; drop table one; quit;
D. proc sql; delete from one; quit;
Answer: C

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202参考書   A00-202   A00-202認定試験

NO.9 The following SAS program is submitted: data new (bufsize = 6144 bufno = 4); set old; run; Which one
of the following describes the difference between the usage of BUFSIZE= and BUFNO= options?
A. BUFSIZE= specifies the size of the input buffer in bytes; BUFNO= specifies the number of input
B. BUFSIZE= specifies the size of the output buffer in bytes; BUFNO= specifies the number of output
C. BUFSIZE= specifies the size of the output buffer in kilobytes; BUFNO= specifies the number of input
D. BUFSIZE= specifies the size of the output buffer in kilobytes; BUFNO= specifies the number of output
Answer: B

SASInstitute問題集   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202

NO.10 The variable attributes of SAS data sets ONE and TWO are shown below: ONE TWO # Variable Type
Len Pos # Variable Type Len Pos 2 sales Num 8 8 2 budget Num 8 8 1 year Num 8 0 3 sales Char 8 16 1
year Num 8 0 Data set ONE contains 100 observations. Data set TWO contains 50 observations. Both
data sets are sorted by the variable YEAR. The following SAS program is submitted: data three;
merge one two; by year; run; Which one of the following is the result of the program execution?
A. No messages are written to the SAS log.
B. ERROR and WARNING messages are written to the SAS log.
C. Data set THREE is created with two variables and 50 observations.
D. Data set THREE is created with three variables and 100 observations.
Answer: B

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202練習問題

NO.11 Which one of the following statements is true?
A. The WHERE statement can be executed conditionally as part of an IF statement.
B. The WHERE statement selects observations before they are brought into the PDV.
C. The subsetting IF statement works on observations before they are read into the PDV.
D. The WHERE and subsetting IF statements can be used interchangeably in all SAS programs.
Answer: B

SASInstitute参考書   A00-202問題集   A00-202認定資格   A00-202

NO.12 The following SAS program is submitted: data one; do i = 1 to 10; ptobs = ceil(ranuni(0) * totobs); set
temp point = ptobs nobs = totobs; output; end; stop; run; The SAS data set TEMP contains 2,500,000
observations. Which one of the following represents the possible values for PTOBS?
A. any integer between 1 and 10
B. any real number between 0 and 1
C. any integer between 1 and 2,500,000
D. any real number between 1 and 2,500,000
Answer: C

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202

NO.13 Consider the following SAS log: 229 data sasuser.ranch sasuser.condo / view = sasuser.ranch;
230 set sasuser.houses; 231 if style = 'RANCH' then output sasuser.ranch; 232 else if style = 'CONDO'
then output sasuser.condo; 233 run; NOTE: DATA STEP view saved on file SASUSER.RANCH. NOTE: A
stored DATA STEP view cannot run under a different operating system. 234 235 proc print data =
sasuser.condo; ERROR: File SASUSER.CONDO.DATA does not exist. 236 run; NOTE: The SAS System
stopped processing this step because of errors. Which one of the following explains why the PRINT
procedure fails?
A. SASUSER.CONDO is a stored DATA step program.
B. A SAS data file and SAS data view cannot be created in the same DATA step.
C. A second VIEW=SASUSER.CONDO option was omitted on the DATA statement.
D. The view SASUSER.RANCH must be processed before SASUSER.CONDO is created.
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202過去問   A00-202認証試験

NO.14 The following SAS program is submitted: proc sort data = sales tagsort; by month year; run; Which of
the following resource(s) is the TAGSORT option reducing?
A. I/O usage only
B. CPU usage only
C. I/O and CPU usage
D. temporary disk usage
Answer: D

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202過去問   A00-202認定試験

NO.15 Given the following SAS statement: %let idcode = Prod567; Which one of the following statements
stores the value 567 in the macro variable CODENUM?
A. %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-2);
B. %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-3);
C. %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-2);
D. %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-3);
Answer: C

SASInstitute過去問   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202問題集   A00-202

NO.16 Which one of the following options controls the pagesize of a SAS data set?
Answer: C

SASInstitute過去問   A00-202   A00-202問題集

NO.17 The SAS data set TEMP has the following distribution of values for variable A: A Frequency 1 500,000
2 500,000 6 7,000,000
3,000 Which one of the following SAS programs requires the least CPU time to be processed?
A. data new; set temp; if a = 8 then b = 'Small '; else if a in(1, 2) then b = 'Medium'; else if a = 6 then b =
'Large'; run;
B. data new; set temp; if a in (1, 2) then b = 'Medium'; else if a = 8 then b = 'Small'; else if a = 6 then b =
'Large'; run;
C. data new; set temp; if a = 6 then b = 'Large '; else if a in (1, 2) then b = 'Medium'; else if a = 8 then b =
D. data new; set temp; if a = 6 then b = 'Large ';
if a in (1, 2) then b = 'Small'; run;
Answer: C

SASInstitute   A00-202認証試験   A00-202   A00-202参考書   A00-202参考書

NO.18 Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO:
2001 3 500 2001 4 300 2001 4 400 2002 1 600 ] 2002 1 700 The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sql; select one.*, sales from one, two
where one.year = two.year; quit; Which one of the following reports is generated?
2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 . 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 300 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 600
2001 3 500 300 2001 4 400 300 2002 1 700 300 2001 3 500 600 2001 4 400 600 2002 1 700 600
Answer: C

SASInstitute   A00-202過去問   A00-202   A00-202認定資格   A00-202過去問

NO.19 Which one of the following is an advantage of creating and using a SAS DATA step view?
A. It can store an index.
B. It always accesses the most current data.
C. It works quickly through multiple passes of the data.
D. It is useful when the underlying data file structure changes.
Answer: B

SASInstitute   A00-202   A00-202   A00-202認証試験

NO.20 The following SAS program is submitted: <insert statement here>; %let development = ontime; proc
print data = sasuser.highway; title "For &dept"; title2 "This project was completed &development"; run;
Which one of the following statements completes the above and resolves title1 to "For
A. %let dept = %str(research&development);
B. %let dept = %str(research%&development);
C. %let dept = %nrstr(research&development);
D. %let dept = %nrstr(research%&development);
Answer: C

SASInstitute認定資格   A00-202練習問題   A00-202

最高のPolycomの1K0-002 1K0-001認定試験問題集

Polycom1K0-002 1K0-001試験に合格することは容易なことではなくて、良い訓練ツールは成功の保証でPass4Testは君の試験の問題を準備してしまいました。君の初めての合格を目標にします。

Pass4Testは初めて試験を受けるあなたが一回で試験に合格して、認証資格を取ることを保証します。Pass4Testが提供して差し上げたのは高品質のPolycomの1K0-002 1K0-001模擬問題集で、あなたがステップバイステップで試験に準備する手順を指導しています。Pass4TestのPolycomの1K0-002 1K0-001試験問題集は絶対あなたに成功をもたらすことを保証します。Pass4TestのPolycomの1K0-002 1K0-001認定試験に準備するために色々な方法がありますが、

みなさんにPass4Testを選ぶのはより安心させるためにPass4Testは部分のPolycom 1K0-002 1K0-001試験材料がネットで提供して、君が無料でダウンロードすることができます。安心に弊社の商品を選ぶとともに貴重な時間とエネルギーを節約することができる。Pass4Testは真実のPolycom 1K0-002 1K0-001認証試験の問題集が100%で君の試験の合格を保証します。君の明るい将来を祈っています。


Pass4Testは我々が研究したトレーニング資料を無料に更新します。それはあなたがいつでも最新の1K0-002 1K0-001試験トレーニング資料をもらえるということです。1K0-002 1K0-001認定試験の目標が変更されば、Pass4Testが提供した勉強資料も変化に追従して内容を変えます。Pass4Test は各受験生のニーズを知っていて、あなたが1K0-002 1K0-001認定試験に受かることに有効なヘルプを差し上げます。あなたが首尾よく試験に合格するように、我々は最も有利な価格と最高のクオリティーを提供して差し上げます。

試験科目:Polycom 「CVE-2」

試験科目:Polycom 「Polycom cve core exam」

Pass4Testは正確な選択を与えて、君の悩みを減らして、もし早くてPolycom 1K0-002 1K0-001認証をとりたければ、早くてPass4Testをショッピングカートに入れましょう。あなたにとても良い指導を確保できて、試験に合格するのを助けって、Pass4Testからすぐにあなたの通行証をとります。


NO.1 The term "Full Motion Video" typically refers to a transmission of video at which rate?
A.Video Frames at a rate of less than 10 per second
B.Video Frames at a rate of greater than 100 per second
C.Video Frames at a rate of less than 24 per second
D.Video Frames at a rate of 24 or more per second
Answer: D

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.2 Which of the following is the channel used to carry the Audio for H.320 Terminals?
A.Channel 6
B.Channel 4
C.Channel 3
D.Channel 2
E.Channel 1
Answer: E

Polycom認定試験   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002過去問   1K0-002

NO.3 Which of the following functions can NOT be performed by a microphone mixer?
A. Provide phantom power to microphones.
B. Provide gain to convert mic-level signals to line-level signals.
C. Provide a means to adjust the relative gain of different microphones.
D. Provide a means to adjust the video display brightness.
E. Provide a means to adjust the room acoustics
Answer: DE

Polycom参考書   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.4 Multiplexers using HSD interfaces are DCE Interfaces that provide which three signals?
A.Transmit Data
B.Receive Data
C.Request to Send
D.Data Carrier Detect (RLSD)
E.TX Clock and TX Data
F.TX Clock and RX Clock
Answer: BDF

Polycom参考書   1K0-002問題集   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.5 Pick the best match; Audio "Critical Distance" is a definition that relates to:
A.Distance between the audio amplifier inputs and room microphone
B.Distance between the person speaking and the microphone used
C.Distance between the video display monitor and camera
D.Distance between the walls, floor to ceiling, and doorways
Answer: B

Polycom認証試験   1K0-002認定資格   1K0-002認定試験   1K0-002認証試験

NO.6 High Definition Video is best described as
A.Video Signal that consists of luminance scan interlaced lines.
B.Video Signal made up of 8X8 blocks of pixels.
C.Video signal that represents 720 lines of pixels, progressively scanned.
D.Video Signal made up of 40X40 macroblocks pixels.
Answer: C

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.7 Which audio coding standards are described by H.323?
A.G.711, G.721, G.722, and G.723
B.G.711, G.722, G.728, and G.726
C.G.711, G.722, G.728, G.723.1, and G.729
D.G.711, G.722, G.728, and G.723.1
Answer: C

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.8 Which of the following describes audio analog clipping?
A.A distorted signal voltage from a microphone after passing through an amplifier with excessive gain
B.An accurate signal voltage from a microphone after passing through an amplifier without any gain
C.Audio amplifiers with too high an impedance.
D.A clean signal passed through an Audio amplifier with excessive AC line voltage.
Answer: A

Polycom過去問   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002認証試験

NO.9 Which of the following correctly describes typical audio phantom power?
A.48 volts DC applied to a telephone circuit center pair used to provide power to the telephone set
B.12 volts DC applied to the tip and ring of a TRS connector used to power amplified headphones
C.A DC voltage applied to the center pin of an RCA type connector used to power remote pre-amplifiers
D.A DC voltage applied to pins 2 and 3 of an XLR connector returning through pin 1, used to power
Answer: D

Polycom   1K0-002認証試験   1K0-002認定資格   1K0-002認定試験

NO.10 E1 framing has a bit structure of how many bits per frame?
Clue Full metallic E1 speed divided by 8KHz Stratum timing.
Answer: C

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002認定資格

NO.11 Which of the following are Call Establishment packets? (Select three of the following options.)
A.Receiver Ready
B.Disconnect Request
C.Release Request
E.Connect Acknowledged
F.Receiver Not Ready
H.Release Complete
Answer: DEG

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.12 Which audio coding uses 8 Kbps?
Answer: C

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002練習問題   1K0-002   1K0-002問題集

NO.13 Which of the following is Line Coding used for Primary Rate T1?
E.Pulse Stuffing
Answer: D

Polycom参考書   1K0-002   1K0-002参考書   1K0-002練習問題

NO.14 Local Area Network Metallic Interfaces are
A.connection oriented, point to point connectivity only.
B.unshared network that serves unlimited endpoints.
C.connectionless oriented connectivity, shared network that serves limited distances.
D.connectionless oriented connectivity, shared network that serves unlimited distances.
E.C and D
F.All of the above
Answer: C

Polycom過去問   1K0-002問題集   1K0-002   1K0-002認定資格   1K0-002認定試験   1K0-002

NO.15 Which of the following is the Protocol RAS used by the H.323 Gatekeeper?
A.Registration, Alerting, and Status of H.323 Terminals
B.Registration, Access, and Status of H.323 Terminals
C.Registration, Activation, and Status of H.323 Terminals
D.Registration, Admission, and Status of H.323 Terminals
Answer: D

Polycom認定試験   1K0-002問題集   1K0-002問題集   1K0-002認定試験

NO.16 What are two other names for a Frame Relay Network?
D.Virtual Private Network
E.802.3 Medium Access Control Network
Answer: CD

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.17 A telephone call over the Public Switched Telephone Network is what type of quality?
A.Narrow band audio
B.Center band audio
C.Wide band audio
D.CD quality audio
Answer: A

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002参考書

NO.18 How is noise measured?
Answer: AC

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002認証試験

NO.19 Which of the following describes the activity for which a RTCP is used?
A.Transport Task for Communication of Audio and Video over IP
B.Transport Task of Simple Network Management Protocol
C.Network Statistics of Media Channels between Videoconferencing Hardware
D.Network Statistics of Media Channels between Routers
E.Network Statistics of Media Channels between Gatekeepers
Answer: C

Polycom   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

NO.20 When required, improperly matched impedance will cause problems with__________.
A.Audio signal levels
B.feedback frequency filtering
C.room acoustics
D.all of the above
Answer: A

Polycom認定証   1K0-002   1K0-002過去問   1K0-002   1K0-002   1K0-002

もっともよいOracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験の問題集

従来の試験によってPass4Test が今年のOracleの1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認定試験を予測してもっとも真実に近い問題集を研究し続けます。Pass4Testは100%でOracleの1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認定試験に合格するのを保証いたします。

Pass4TestはOracle1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験に関する完全な資料を唯一のサービスを提供するサイトでございます。Pass4Testが提供した問題集を利用してOracle1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験は全然問題にならなくて、高い点数で合格できます。Oracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験の合格のために、Pass4Testを選択してください。

みなさんにPass4Testを選ぶのはより安心させるためにPass4Testは部分のOracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験材料がネットで提供して、君が無料でダウンロードすることができます。安心に弊社の商品を選ぶとともに貴重な時間とエネルギーを節約することができる。Pass4Testは真実のOracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認証試験の問題集が100%で君の試験の合格を保証します。君の明るい将来を祈っています。

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle EBS R12: Inventory and Order Management Fundamentals」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle WebLogic System Administration」

試験科目:Oracle 「R12 Oracle: install,Patch and Maintain Oracle Applications」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Database 11g: New Features for 9i OCPs」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle EBS R12: E-Business Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Database 11g: Administrator I 」

Oracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認証試験を通るために、いいツールが必要です。Oracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認証試験について研究の資料がもっとも大部分になって、Pass4Testは早くてOracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認証試験の資料を集めることができます。弊社の専門家は経験が豊富で、研究した問題集がもっとも真題と近づいて現場試験のうろたえることを避けます。

Pass4TestのITの専門研究者はOracle 1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認証試験の問題と解答を研究して、彼らはあなたにとても有効な訓練試験オンラインサービスツールを提供します。もしあなたはPass4Testの製品を購入したければ弊社が詳しい問題集を提供して、君にとって完全に準備します。弊社のPass4Test商品を安心に選択してPass4Test試験に100%合格しましょう。

Pass4Testの専門家チームがOracleの1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052認定試験に彼らの自分の経験と知識を利用して絶えなく研究し続けています。Pass4Testが提供したOracleの1Z0-226 1Z0-108 1Z0-238 1Z0-055 1Z0-204 1Z0-052試験問題と解答が真実の試験の練習問題と解答は最高の相似性があり、一年の無料オンラインの更新のサービスがあり、100%のパス率を保証して、もし試験に合格しないと、弊社は全額で返金いたします。


NO.1 What are the two occasions when it is appropriate to run "Compile APPS schema" by using the AD
Administration utility in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite environment? (Choose two.)
A.during the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite upgrade process
B.when custom packages are moved to the APPS schema and need to be compiled
C.after enabling the multiple reporting currencies in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite
D.after enabling the multiorganization functionality in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite
E.when encountering invalid objects in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas in the Oracle Applications R12
E-Business Suite database
Answer: AB

Oracle認定資格   1Z0-238認定試験   1Z0-238認定資格   1Z0-238

NO.2 Which two statements are true if you choose the "Recreate grants and synonyms for APPS schema"
task option from the adadmin utility? (Choose two.)
A.This option re-creates grants on some packages from APPS to SYSTEM.
B.This option re-creates grants and synonyms for the APPLSYSPUB schema.
C.This option re-creates grants and synonyms for the code objects of the APPS schema to the base
product schemas.
D.This option spawns parallel workers to re-create grants and synonyms linking sequences and tables in
the base product schemas to the APPS schema.
Answer: BD

Oracle   1Z0-238認証試験   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

NO.3 Which command can be used only with a single-node installation?
A.rapidwiz -restart
B.rapidwiz -techstack
C.rapidwiz -servername
D.rapidwiz -silent -config
Answer: C

Oracle   1Z0-238認定資格   1Z0-238認定証

NO.4 While working with Web forms an application user sometimes comes across a performance issue. The
initial screen takes too long to appear with the Web form screen, showing the status "Downloading JAR
files..." for a long time.
Identify the reasons for this. (Choose two.)
A.It always takes time to load the Web forms.
B.An older version of Sun J2SE plug-in is installed on the Desktop tier.
C.JAR files for the Forms client applet are downloaded automatically the first time it is used.
D.The browser will automatically retrieve new JAR files if they have changed on the application tier.
E.The Internet Explorer browser security level should be set as "Low" for the zone that contains the
Oracle Application Release 12 Web pages.
Answer: CD

Oracle   1Z0-238参考書   1Z0-238問題集

NO.5 Which table is used by AutoPatch as a staging area for the job information in parallel mode and needs
to be dropped to start a new autopatch session if the earlier session failed?
Answer: C

Oracle   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定試験   1Z0-238認証試験   1Z0-238問題集

NO.6 The AD Administration task utility "Compile APPS Schema" is similar to the "Validate APPS Schema"
task, except that instead of just producing a list of invalid objects, it compiles invalid objects using multiple
workers in an attempt to move them back to the valid object state.
This task is most often run when custom packages are moved into the APPS schema, and during the
upgrade process.
The "Compile APPS Schema" task can be toggled to compile all objects or just the invalid objects.
Choose three correct benefits of using this task. (Choose three.)
A.increases run-time performance in the applications
B.corrects all corrupt schema package bodies and headers
C.finds truly invalid objects before users get a run-time error
D.allows new custom or patched packages to be immediately validated
Answer: ACD

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238参考書   1Z0-238

NO.7 In your Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite implementation, the database is corrupt. To resolve
it, the database Java Virtual Machine (JVM) was reloaded. Identify the type of problem that may occur
and the related correct solution.
A.Problem: Many invalid objects are found in the APPS schema.
Solution: Run the "Validate APPS schema" task by using the adadmin utility.
B.Problem: All Oracle Applications Java classes are missing.
Solution: Run the "Reload JAR files to the DB" task by using the adadmin utility.
C.Problem: The Application screen display does not come up with one of the installed language
Solution: Run the "Convert Character set" task by using the adadmin utility.
D.Problem: The Application window does not show any of the Accounts Receivables data.
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定証

NO.8 During installation, the Rapid Install process creates ______ that are used to start and stop the server
processes on the database tier.
A.JServer load balancers
B.cost-based optimizers
C.database resource managers
D.session-persistent load balancers
E.database-tier server process scripts
Answer: E

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定証   1Z0-238過去問

NO.9 Before you apply a patch, you read the readme.txt file.
One of the areas of Oracle Applications to which the patch will be applied is JAVA_TOP.
The readme file mentions that you may need to generate product JAR files in the AD Administration
utilities after the patch is applied.
When generating product JAR files, the AD Administration utility will prompt you with the question: Do you
want to force the generation of all JAR files?
What are the three occasions when you need to force the generation of all JAR files? (Choose three.)
A.after changing your digital signature
B.after updating to a new Java version
C.if you find you have missing or out-of-date JAR files
D.if you are upgrading the Oracle Developer technology stack
Answer: ABD

Oracle   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定証

NO.10 What is the default value of ?
Answer: D

Oracle   1Z0-238認定資格   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238練習問題

NO.11 Identify two ways in which you validate the APPS schema in the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business
Suite setup. (Choose two.)
A.Run the /appsutil/scripts//advrfapp.sh script.
B.Run the AD Administration utility in noninteractive mode with the default file having
C.Run the AD Administration utility in interactive mode, and then select Compile/Reload Applications
Database Entities menu > Compile APPS Schema option.
D. Use SQL*PLUS / @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/advrfapp.sql .
Answer: BD

Oracle認定試験   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238認定証

NO.12 You suddenly start receiving errors indicating that there are numerous Java files in the database that
are corrupted and cannot be run. You determined that you must reload the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to
fix the errors.
In addition to reloading the JVM, what Oracle database utilities, if any, do you need to run and why?
(Choose all that apply.)
A.Compile the Menu information to restore Java menu files to the application forms.
B.Reload JAR files to the database because after reloading the JVM, the Java class files would be
C.Compile the APPS schema because after the JVM has been reloaded, APPS permissions need to be
D.None of the Oracle database utilities need to be run because by reloading the JVM, all corrected Java
files are corrected with the new files loaded during this process.
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-238認定試験   1Z0-238認定証   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

NO.13 As a database administrator (DBA), you have been trying to apply a maintenance patch, but it has
failed to
run successfully to completion. You check the AD Administration log file for an error. The log file reveals
several entries that are generic errors about the inability of patch codes to have access to product
packages from the GL product modules.
You remember that one of the occasions when you should run the "Recreate Grants and Synonyms" AD
Administration utility is if the patch and the administrative sessions fail to run successfully to completion.
You have found one occasion to use this utility in the case above. Now choose three other occasions
when you would run this process again. (Choose three.)
A.after custom development
B.when applying a patch to the operating system
C.after applying a patch to the Applications technology stack
D.in case of incomplete database migrations (exports or imports)
E.when installing or maintaining underlying database components or options such as Replication
Answer: ADE

Oracle認定証   1Z0-238認定試験   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238過去問

NO.14 After the successful installation of Oracle Applications Release 12, environment files are created.
Which environment file is used to identify and describe third-party and custom applications linked with
Oracle Applications?
A.the context file
B.the devenv.env file
C.the fndenv.env file
D.the adovars.env file
E.the adconfig.txt file
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-238認定試験   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認証試験

NO.15 Where can you find the generated report file after running the "Validate APPS schema" task in the
Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite setup?
Answer: E

Oracle   1Z0-238練習問題   1Z0-238   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238

NO.16 Identify the files that are changed when you run AutoConfig. (Choose all that apply.)
Answer: ABD

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定証   1Z0-238

NO.17 You experience report-error problems in the Inventory module after applying a patch to the same
You run the AD Administration utility, and select the Generate Application Files menu. Because you have
report problems, you decide to run Generate Report Files.
You answered the following questions during the utility run:
1. Do you want to generate Oracle report objects using the current character set? (You answer Yes.)
2. Do you want to regenerate the Oracle reports PL/SQL library files? (You answer No.)
3. Do you want to regenerate Oracle reports executable files? (You answer Yes.)
4. For which products do you want to generate Oracle report objects? (You answer "all reports in INV.")
After you run the AD utilities, most reports in Inventory run with no errors. However, you still experience
errors with two reports.
Which two statements explain why the two reports still run with errors? (Choose two.)
A.You have reports in a different language.
B.You have reports with external library files.
C.You have custom reports in a custom directory.
D.You have reports from a different module being referenced on the Inventory report menu.
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238   1Z0-238過去問

NO.18 You just brought the middle tier back after a hardware problem has been fixed. Oracle Applications
now experience problems with an entire product group of forms (fnd), which includes the sign-on form.
You decide that you will generate the forms files in AD Administration to see whether this will fix
You answered the prompts from the utility as follows:
1. Do you want to generate Oracle Forms using your current character set? (Yes)
2. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files? (Yes)
3. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms executable files? (Yes)
4. Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms menu files? (Yes)
5. Enter the list of products, or enter 'all' [all]: (fnd)
6. Do you want to generate specific form objects for each selected product? (Yes)
7. Enter libraries and menus to generate, or enter 'all' [all]: (APPCORE.pll, the main library)
8. Enter forms to generate, or enter 'all' [all]: FNDSCSGN.fmx
The utility finished with no errors in the log file.
What is the outcome of running the adadmin utility?
A.All forms in the product group fnd now render with errors.
B.All forms in the product group fnd now render without errors.
C.All forms but one in the product group fnd now render with errors.
D.All forms but one in the product group fnd now render without errors.
Answer: C

Oracle練習問題   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238練習問題   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

NO.19 What are the two possible sequences of worker status while a job is being completed by a worker?
(Choose two.)
A.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Completed
B.Assigned => Waiting => Running => Completed
C.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Completed
D.Assigned => Waiting => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Completed
E.Waiting => Assigned => Running => Failed => Fixed, Restart => Restarted => Running => Completed
Answer: AC

Oracle問題集   1Z0-238練習問題   1Z0-238

NO.20 A report output file is generated when you run "Validate APPS schema" by using the adadmin utility in
the Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite environment.
If the report shows something similar to "GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table does not exist or is an invalid
object," what is the first step that the database administrator (DBA) should perform to correct this issue?
A.Run the AD Relink utility and relink the GL product.
B.Use License Manager, and register the GL product.
C.Run Rapid Install to reinstall database components.
D.Run AutoPatch, and apply the GL latest available patch.
E.Run the "Recreate grants and synonyms for the APPS schema" task by using the adadmin utility.
Answer: E

Oracle   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定資格

NO.21 You want to apply a patch on your Oracle Applications system. Before doing this, you want to view the
files that are new, changed, and ignored while applying the patch.
Which feature of the Patch Wizard would help you accomplish this?
A.Patch Filters
B.Patch Impact Analysis
C.Recommended Patches
D.Patch Information Bundle
Answer: B

Oracle認証試験   1Z0-238参考書   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

NO.22 AD Administration contains a utility named Maintain Snapshot Information. Which statements
correctly describe the functionality of this utility? (Choose all that apply.)
A.You can create a copy of an existing snapshot.
B.You can delete the current view snapshot.
C.You can create a list of the current view and named snapshots stored in your system.
D.You can export an existing snapshot to a file for storage or to another system.
E.You can update the current view snapshot with any changes to the snapshot since the last update.
Answer: ACDE

Oracle認定証   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認証試験   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238参考書   1Z0-238認証試験

NO.23 As part of the cloning process, the Applications DBA needs to copy the application tier file system to the
target system.
Which step is NOT a part of this process?
A.Shut down the application tier server processes.
B.Log on to the target system application tier nodes as the oracle user.
C.Copy the APPL_TOP directory from the source node to the target node.
D.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
E.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
F.Copy the directory from the source node to the target node.
G.Copy the <806 ORACLE_HOME> directory from the source node to the target node.
Answer: B

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238

NO.24 In which three cases is it most effective to run validation on the APPS schema in the Oracle
Applications R12 E-Business Suite setup? (Choose three.)
A.before performing an export or import
B.after a patch or multiple patches are applied
C.immediately after an upgrade or after applying a maintenance pack
D.after converting to multiple organizations or multiple reporting currencies
E.whenever you receive a run-time error that suggests that a problem is caused by the AD_DDL package
Answer: BCE

Oracle練習問題   1Z0-238過去問   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

NO.25 You run the AD Administration utility and select the Relink Applications programs.
You answered the following questions during the utility run:
Do you wish to proceed with the relink [Yes]? (You answer Yes.)
Enter the list of products to link ("all" for all products) [all]? (You answer "ad." )
Do you want to generate specific executables for each selected product [No]? (You answer Yes.)
AD Administration can relink your Oracle Applications programs with debug
information. Oracle recommends that you do not relink your programs
with debug information unless asked to do so by Oracle Support Services.
Do you want to relink with debug information [No]? (You answer No.)
What is the next question asked by adadmin?
A.It gives you a list of all executables to choose from.
B.It gives you the list of "ad" executables to choose from.
C.It gives you the list of all executables except "ad" to choose from.
D.It asks no question. It displays the message "Review the messages above, then press [Return] to
Answer: D

Oracle過去問   1Z0-238認定証   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認証試験

NO.26 You discover that you will be applying an application patch on your APPL_TOP by using AutoPatch,
contains a compatible feature, the prereq line.
To ensure that the automatic, prerequisite patch-checking feature operates during the application of the
patch, you must run AD Administration, Maintain Snapshot Information, then perform some key tasks, and
then AutoPatch.
Select four key Maintain Snapshot Information tasks or combination of tasks that will ensure that the
prerequisite patch-checking feature operates during the application of the patch. (Choose four.)
A.Update a current view snapshot, or create a named snapshot.
B.Export a snapshot to a file, and then delete the named snapshot.
C.Import an up-to-date snapshot from a file from a different APPL_TOP.
D.List snapshots, delete the named snapshot, and create a named snapshot.
E.Copy the existing snapshot, delete the named snapshot, and then create a named snapshot.
Answer: ACDE

Oracle問題集   1Z0-238認証試験   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定証

NO.27 Identify the patch that you apply to upgrade the Oracle Applications system from the 11.5.5 version to
the 11.5.10 version.
A.diagnostic patch
B.stand-alone patch
C.maintenance pack
D.product family release update pack
Answer: C

Oracle練習問題   1Z0-238問題集   1Z0-238過去問

NO.28 When does the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table get created in the Oracle Applications R12
E-Business Suite database?
A.whenever the AD Controller utility is used
B.when AutoPatch, AutoUpgrade, or AD Administration programs process jobs
C.during the upgrade to R12 E-Business Suite from the earlier version of Oracle Applications
D.when the R12 E-Business Suite database is created in a Real Application Clusters (RAC) setup
E.during the R12 E-Business Suite installation and, more specifically, at the time of the database APPS
schema creation
Answer: B

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認証試験   1Z0-238認定資格

NO.29 The Oracle Applications R12 database administrator (DBA) runs the "Recreate grants and synonyms
for APPS schema" task by using the adadmin utility when grants or synonyms are missing from the
Which three causes are responsible for this? (Choose three.)
A.incomplete database migrations (exports or imports)
B.patch and administrative sessions that failed to run successfully to completion
C.invoking PL/SQL routines to maintain multilingual tables by adding missing, untranslated rows
D.installing or maintaining Oracle Applications R12 E-Business Suite underlying database components or
options such as Replication
Answer: ABD

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238認定資格   1Z0-238

NO.30 If the patch is running in Pre-Install mode, where would the patch history files be stored in Oracle
Applications R12 configured on a UNIX operating system?
Answer: D

Oracle参考書   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238   1Z0-238

最新なOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認定試験の問題集

Oracle 1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541試験に合格することは簡単ではなくて、適切な訓练を選ぶのはあなたの成功の第一歩です。情報源はあなたの成功の保障で、Pass4Testの商品はとてもいい情報保障ですよ。君はPass4Testの商品を選ばればOracle 1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認証試験に合格するのを100%保証するだけでなくあなたのために1年の更新を無料で提供します。

Pass4Testの助けのもとで君は大量のお金と時間を费やさなくても復楽にOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認定試験に合格のは大丈夫でしょう。ソフトの問題集はPass4Testが実際問題によって、テストの問題と解答を分析して出来上がりました。Pass4Testが提供したOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541の問題集は真実の試験に緊密な相似性があります。

われわれは今の競争の激しいIT社会ではくつかIT関連認定証明書が必要だとよくわかります。IT専門知識をテストしているOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認定試験は1つのとても重要な認証試験でございます。しかしこの試験は難しさがあって、合格率がずっと低いです。でもPass4Testの最新問題集がこの問題を解決できますよ。1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認定試験の真実問題と模擬練習問題があって、十分に試験に合格させることができます。

Pass4Testの問題集はIT専門家がOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認証試験について自分の知識と経験を利用して研究したものでございます。Pass4Testの問題集は真実試験の問題にとても似ていて、弊社のチームは自分の商品が自信を持っています。Pass4Testが提供した商品をご利用してください。もし失敗したら、全額で返金を保証いたします。

試験科目:Oracle 「StorageTek Tape Libraries Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Application Integration Architecture 11g Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Enterprise Content Management Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle WebCenter 11g Essentials」

Oracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541試験の合格書は君の仕事の上で更に一歩の昇進と生活条件の向上を助けられて、大きな財産に相当します。Oracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541認定試験はIT専門知識のレベルの考察として、とっても重要な地位になりつつます。Pass4Testは最も正確なOracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541試験資料を追求しています。

Oracleの1Z0-546 1Z0-543 1Z0-542 1Z0-541の認定試験証明書を取りたいなら、Pass4Testが貴方達を提供した資料をかったら、お得です。ass4Testはもっぱら認定試験に参加するIT業界の専門の人士になりたい方のために模擬試験の練習問題と解答を提供した評判の高いサイトでございます。


NO.1 What is the common feature of Oracle Document Capture and Oracle Distributed Document. Capture
that help leverage corporate data to dynamically index documents.?
A. Audit Table
B. Separator Sheet
C. Database Lookup
D. Data Link
Answer: C

Oracle認証試験   1Z0-542参考書   1Z0-542参考書   1Z0-542認定証

NO.2 ______and _____are prerequisites needed to install Oracle Digital Asset Management?
A. Connection Server
B. Content Server
C. Inbound Refinery
D. Hip Factory
Answer: B,C

Oracle認定試験   1Z0-542参考書   1Z0-542認定証   1Z0-542   1Z0-542

NO.3 In Content Server, which system service provides the ability to obtain information about the storage
volumes that are available for document storage?
A. PreferenceService
B. TicketService
C. DocumentService
D. LifecycleService
Answer: D

Oracle認定証   1Z0-542認定試験   1Z0-542

NO.4 Which two objects are part of Oracle Universal Records Management file plan hierarchy?
A. Record Method
B. Record Category
C. Record Function
D. Record Folder
Answer: B,D

Oracle   1Z0-542   1Z0-542

NO.5 Select the mode in which Oracle's Site Studio Manager can be displayed.
A. Contribution
B. Assistance
C. Normal
D. Basic
Answer: A

Oracle   1Z0-542参考書   1Z0-542過去問   1Z0-542

NO.6 Which statement is true about the role based security model in Oracle Content Server?
A. Only the system administrator user can assign a role to each user.
B. Only the system administrater role can assign more than one role to a user.
C. Both the system administrator and subadministrator users can assign one or more roles to auser.
D Only the subadministrator role can assign more than one role to a user.
Answer: B

Oracle過去問   1Z0-542認定証   1Z0-542認証試験   1Z0-542

NO.7 Which two statements are true about Oracle Universal Records Management?
A. It can manage physical records only.
B. It can manage electronic records only.
C. It can manage both electronic and physical records.
D. It can manage both records and non-records.
Answer: C

Oracle参考書   1Z0-542   1Z0-542問題集   1Z0-542練習問題   1Z0-542過去問

NO.8 Oracle Site Studio's contributor editor window has one or more form fields, one for each____ in the data
file associated with the current contribution region on the Web page.
A. Fragment
B. Element
C. Placeholder
D. Region
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-542認証試験   1Z0-542   1Z0-542練習問題   1Z0-542過去問

NO.9 An XML file that stores all information about a Site Studio Web site on the content server is known as
A. Configuration File
B. Project File
C. Date File
D. Template File
Answer: B

Oracle   1Z0-542   1Z0-542   1Z0-542

NO.10 Which revision status indicates that the revision is being converted to Web-viewable format?
Answer: C

Oracle認定試験   1Z0-542認証試験   1Z0-542

Oracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験の最高の問題集

Pass4TestはOracle1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058認定試験に対して問題集を提供しておるサイトで、現場のOracle1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験問題と模擬試験問題集を含みます。ほかのホームページに弊社みたいな問題集を見れば、あとでみ続けて、弊社の商品を盗作することとよくわかります。ass4Testが提供した資料は最も全面的で、しかも更新の最も速いです。

Oracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058認定試験は業界で広く認証されたIT認定です。世界各地の人々はOracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058認定試験が好きです。この認証は自分のキャリアを強化することができ、自分が成功に近づかせますから。Oracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験と言ったら、Pass4Test のOracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験トレーニング資料はずっとほかのサイトを先んじているのは、Pass4Test にはIT領域のエリートが組み立てられた強い団体がありますから。その団体はいつでも最新のOracle 1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験トレーニング資料を追跡していて、彼らのプロな心を持って、ずっと試験トレーニング資料の研究に力を尽くしています。

試験科目:Oracle 「Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certified Expert Exam」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Unified Business Process Management Suite 11g Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer Certified Expert Exam」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 and Grid Infrastructure Administration」

最もリラックスした状態ですべての苦難に直面しています。Oracle1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験はとても難しいですが、受験生の皆がリラックスした状態で試験を受けるべきです。。Pass4TestのOracle1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験トレーニング資料は私達を助けられます。Pass4Testがそばにいてくれると、恐くなくなり、迷わなくなります。Pass4TestのOracle1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058試験トレーニング資料は私達受験生の最良の選択です。

Oracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058は専門知識と情報技術の検査として認証試験で、Pass4Testはあなたに一日早くOracleの認証試験に合格させて、多くの人が大量の時間とエネルギーを費やしても無駄になりました。Pass4Testにその問題が心配でなく、わずか20時間と少ないお金をを使って楽に試験に合格することができます。Pass4Testは君に対して特別の訓練を提供しています。

君はほかのサイトや書籍もブラウズ するがもしれませんが、弊社の関連の学習資料と比較してからPass4Testの商品の範囲が広くてまたネット上でダウンロードを発見してしまいました。Pass4Testだけ全面と高品質の問題集があるのではPass4Testの専門家チームが彼らの長年のIT知識と豊富な経験で研究してしました。そして、Pass4Testに多くの受験生の歓迎されます。

Pass4TestのOracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058トレーニング資料を利用したら、初めて試験を受けるあなたでも一回で試験に合格できることを保証します。Pass4TestのOracleの1Z0-895 1Z0-560 1Z0-897 1Z0-058トレーニング資料を利用しても合格しないのなら、我々は全額で返金することができます。あなたに他の同じ値段の製品を無料に送って差し上げます。


NO.1 A developer writes a stateful session bean FooBean with one remote business interface Foo. Foo
defines an integer / setter method pair implemented as:

NO.2 public void setValue (int i) {value = i; }

NO.3 }
A. @Stateful
public class BarEJB implements Bar {
public void bar () {}
B. @Stateful (name = Bar )
public class Barbean implements Bar {
public void bar () {}
C. @Stateful
public class BarBean implements Serializable, Bar {
public void bar () {}
D. @Stateful (name = bar )
public class BarBean implements Serializable, Bar {
public void bar () throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
Answer: C

Oracle   1Z0-895過去問   1Z0-895認証試験
7.A developer creates a stateful session bean that is used by many concurrent clients. The clients are
written by other development team; and it is assumed that these clients might not remove the bean when
ending their session. The number of concurrent sessions will be greater than the defined bean cache
The developer must consider that the state of the session bean can be influenced by either passivation or
Which three actions should the developer take to make the bean behave correctly in passivation and
timeout situations? (Choose three.)
A. Release references to resources in a @Remove annotated method.
B. Re-establish references to resources in an omit annotated method.
C. Release references to resources in a @preDestroy annotated method.
D. Release references to resources in a SPrePassivate annotated method.
E. Re-establish references to resources in a @PostActivate annotated method.
Answer: C,D,E

Oracle問題集   1Z0-895練習問題   1Z0-895練習問題   1Z0-895認定資格

NO.4 private int value;

NO.5 A developer wants to write a stateful session bean using the following interface as local business
1. package acme;
2. public interface Bar {
3. public void bar ();
4. }
Assuming there is not an ejb-jar.xml file, which code can be inserted into Lines 4-6 below to define the
bean with the ejb name of BarBean?
1. package acme;
2. import javax.ejb.*;
3. import java.io.*;

NO.6 Foo foo2 = (Foo) sessionCtx.lookup("fooRef");

NO.7 A stateful session bean contains a number of instance variables. The types of instance variables A and
B are serializable. Instance variable B is a complex type which is populated by many business calls, and
can, therefore, not be refilled by the client without starting all over. A helper instance variable C is defined
as having a Serializable type, and can hold all the information which is in variable B. for example, B is of
type XML-DOM tree and C of Type String.
Which two solutions, when combined, maintain the state of the session bean over a passivation and
activation by the container? (Choose two.)
A. The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of Instance variable B in the beans no-arg
B. The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of instance variable B in a @postcreate
annotated method.
C. The value of helper variable C is used to create the value of instance variable B in a @postActivate
annotated method.
D. Instance variable A must be made null and instance variable B must be converted to a Serializable type
and assigned to another instance variable in a @preDestroy annotated method.
E. Instance variable A must be defined transient. Instance variable B must be converted to a Serializable
type, set to null, and assigned to the instance variable C in a @PrePassivate annotated method.
Answer: C,E

Oracle認証試験   1Z0-895参考書   1Z0-895認定試験   1Z0-895練習問題   1Z0-895過去問

NO.8 public int getValue () {return value; }
A session bean ClientBean has a business method doSomething and an ejb-ref with ejb-ref-name
that is mapped to FooBean s Foo interface.
11. @Resource private SessionContext SessionCtx;
12. public void doSomething () {

NO.9 Which API must an EJB 3.1 container make available to enterprise beans at runtime? (Choose one)
A. The JXTA 1.1 API
B. The MIDP 2.0 API
C. The Java SE 6 JNDI API
D. The Java SE 5 JDBC API
Answer: C,D

Oracle参考書   1Z0-895練習問題   1Z0-895認定資格   1Z0-895   1Z0-895   1Z0-895認定資格

NO.10 Assume you would like to receive notification from the container as a stateless session bean transitions
to and from the ready state.
Which of the following life cycle back annotations would you use? (Choose one.)
A. @PostConstruct, @PostDestroy
B. @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy
C. @PreConstruct, @PostDestroy
D. @PostConstruct, @PostDestroy, @Remove
E. @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy, @Remove
Answer: B

Oracle認定証   1Z0-895認定試験   1Z0-895認定試験   1Z0-895   1Z0-895

NO.11 A developer examines a list of potential enterprise applications and selects the most appropriate
technologies to use for each application.
For which two applications is EJB an appropriate solution.? (Choose two.)
A. To render a GUI for mobile clients.
B. As a container for web-tier components including JSP.
C. As a Web service endpoint accessed by non-Java clients.
D. To receive and respond to HTTP Post requests directly from a web browser.
E. As an online shopping cart which can persist across multiple sessions with a single client.
Answer: C,E

Oracle   1Z0-895   1Z0-895

NO.12 Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Typically, remotely accessible objects should be coarse-grained.
B. If a client accesses an enterprise bean locally such access must be mediated by the EJB container.
C. A given enterprise bean's transaction information is immutable because it is deployed across various
D. If a container provides services NOT required by the EJB specification, then that container is NOT
considered to be an EJB container.
E. An enterprise bean's transaction Information can be accessed by external tools only if the information
is contained in an XML deployment descriptor.
Answer: B,D

Oracle問題集   1Z0-895認定証   1Z0-895認定資格   1Z0-895

NO.13 Foo foo1 = (Foo) sessionCtx.lookup("fooRef");

NO.14 foo1.setvalue(1);
Which statement is true after the code at line 15 completes?
A. Foo1.getValue () = = 0 and foo2.getValue() = = 0
B. Foo1.getValue () = = 0 and foo2.getValue() = = 1
C. Foo1.getValue () = = 1 and foo2.getValue() = = 0
D. Foo1.getValue () = = 1 and foo2.getValue() = = 1
Answer: D

Oracle過去問   1Z0-895   1Z0-895問題集
10.A developer writes a stateless session bean FooBean with one remote business interface FooRemote
containing one business method foo. Method foo takes a single parameter of application-defined type
11. public class MyData implements java.io.Serialization {
12. int a;
13. }
Methods foo is implemented with the FooBean class as:
11. public void foo (MyData data) {
12. data.a = 2;
13. }
Another session bean within the same application has a reference to FooRemote in variable fooRef and
calls method foo with the following code:
11. MyData data = new MyData();
12. data.a = 1;
13. Fooref.foo(data);
14. System.out.printIn(data.a);
What is the value of data.a when control reaches Line 14 of the client?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
Answer: B

Oracle問題集   1Z0-895認定証   1Z0-895

NO.15 A developer needs to deliver a large-scale enterprise application that connects developer chooses an
EJB 3.1-compliant application server, which three are true about the EJB business component tier?
(Choose three.)
A. Load-balancing is NOT a guarantee for all EJB 3.1 containers.
B. Clustering is guaranteed to be supported by the EJB 3.1 container.
C. Thread pooling can be optimized by the Bean Provider programmatically.
D. Bean Providers are NOT required to write code for transaction demarcation.
E. Support for server fail-over is guaranteed for an EJB 3.1-compliant application server.
F. EJB 3.1 compliant components are guaranteed to work within any Java EE 6 application server
Answer: A,C,F

Oracle   1Z0-895練習問題   1Z0-895認定証   1Z0-895   1Z0-895参考書

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試験科目:Oracle 「JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management 9.0 Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management 11g Sales Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Database 11g Release 2: SQL Tuning Exam」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Solaris 11 Installation and Configuration Essentials」

試験科目:Oracle 「Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Essentials Beta Exam」

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NO.1 You deploy more than one application to the same WebLogic container. The security is set on
JavaEE level and all deployed JavaEE applications use the same security roles.
What is your recommendation for an architecture with those requirement
A. Combine all applications into a single one.
B. Define global roles on the WebLogic Domain level.
C. Use Ms Active Directory to keep the roles there.
D. Use Oracle Identity and Access Management solution to simplify the management.
E. Keep role mapping in the external WebLogic Role Mapped developed for that solution.
Answer: B

Oracle   1z0-599   1z0-599   1z0-599

NO.2 A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which
reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?
A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
B. Adding more hardware is costly and time consuming.
C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded
database, network appliance, or storage system.
D. Adding more hardware may introduce new configuration requirements that need to be tested.
Answer: A,C

Oracle   1z0-599   1z0-599   1z0-599   1z0-599

NO.3 A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node
Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers.
How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is
A. Shut down the managed server from the WebLogic console.
B. Shut down the managed server using the WLST command through Node Manager.
C. Run "kill -9" once to kill the managed server process.
D. Run "kill -9" to kill the managed server process, and run "kill -9" one more time if the managed
server is restarting.
Answer: A

Oracle   1z0-599認定証   1z0-599問題集   1z0-599   1z0-599問題集

NO.4 When your WebLogic Server solution needs to be scaled out with additional capacity and you
don’t want to add additional hardware, which three techniques should you us?
A. Assign more than one managed server to a physical hardware that allows better CPU
B. Assign more than one application to one managed server to better utilize threads within a single
JVM process.
C. Assign the same application to more than one managed server to load balance requests
between servers.
D. Assign the same heap size to the managed server across the cluster for easier control of
memory footprint
E. Create a virtualized environment with hypervisor for an easier solution
Answer: B,D,E

Oracle   1z0-599参考書   1z0-599参考書   1z0-599認定証

NO.5 A customer needs to implement a Highly Available solution for JMS that has a primary data
and a backup. Which three steps would you perform when designing your solution?
A. Store Transaction Logs in a database and use Database stores for JMS to make replication
between sites easier.
B. Use file based Transaction Logs and JMS stores and implement a separate replication solution
for files in addition to database in case database replication fails.
C. Implement Oracle RAC at each site to provide a highly available solution within each
D. Configure Whole Server Migration to migrate WebLogic Managed Servers from the primary to
the secondary site.
E. Configure Automatic Service Migration for JMS high availability within a datacenter.
Answer: A,C,E

Oracle練習問題   1z0-599   1z0-599   1z0-599

NO.6 A customer claims that while redeploying a web application in the production system all their
customers are having to log in again. What do you recommend?
A. Sessions can't be preserved when redeploying applications. The customer needs to consider
redeployment during late nights when the traffic is low.
B. Change the flag responsible for the development mode of their environment. In the production
mode, all sessions are preserved while redeploying application.
C. Change Hotspot to JRockit. Sessions can't be preserved on HotSpot when redeploying
D. Use flag -version when redeploying the application. This will switch on the Side By Side
deployment feature and preserve existing sessions.
E. Open a service request with Oracle Support. This is unexpected behavior. Sessions are
preserved without any extra settings.
Answer: D

Oracle   1z0-599問題集   1z0-599   1z0-599過去問   1z0-599

NO.7 A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multinode
Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide significant performance benefit?
A. The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RAC
B. WebLogic Clustering
C. The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RAC
D. Coherence*Web Session Replication
Answer: C

Oracle   1z0-599   1z0-599   1z0-599